Sou eco camp rooms a bamboo-themed accommodation is equipped with all below luxurious amenities carefully curated keeping in mind your lifestyle and individual requirements.
EP Plan is only for stay no meals are included in it. Meals will be available at below rates per person.
Breakfast:-Rs.250 | Lunch:- Rs.399 | Hi tea:- Rs.200 | Dinner:- Rs.399
Aminities |
Activities |
Sou eco camp rooms a bamboo-themed accommodation is equipped with all below luxurious amenities carefully curated keeping in mind your lifestyle and individual requirements.
EP Plan is only for stay no meals are included in it. Meals will be available at below rates per person.
Breakfast:-Rs.250 | Lunch:- Rs.399 | Hi tea:- Rs.200 | Dinner:- Rs.399
Aminities |
Activities |
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